Steppin Out from the Ring

I’ve noticed I’ve been lacking inspiration. Perhaps even feeling. Maybe, I’m actually numb. Is it possible to be numb and actually know that you’re numb? Or is that just something someone else notices when you don’t cry at a Hallmark commercial or when American Idol is chosen and it’s the one who’s overcome the most and triumphed over their upbringing in the hood? Perhaps it’s a little of both. Its not like I don’t cry. I have my moments when I listen to the radio and hear an overwhelming story about how the Lord saved a teacher and her students from the tornados of OK that just demolished an entire school! – She leaped across her students yelling “we’re gonna be fine, Lord protect us! ” as the kids were screaming in terror and one little guy yells to his teacher “I love you! Please don’t die, I love you! ” – Um, how can you NOT tear up at that story??? But perhaps it’s a bit deeper. Perhaps it’s a bit more personal. Perhaps it’s my guard? ...