Meaningful, not easy...

"Women, the world needs you more than ever to embrace grace & who God’s called you to be" -- I stumbled upon this post tonight and I couldn't agree more. I am so thankful for the amazing women in my life who have chosen to not only model this but walk along side of me IN LIFE and also choose the same! It's not easy. By ANY means is it easy to follow Jesus, speak life into others, cultivate true beauty and actually love other people at all times! (People are mean, rude, selfish, and hurting and they definitely are good at showing this to others when they feel this way:( BUT I also daily see and interact with some of the most amazing people too who are CHOOSING to follow Jesus, speak LIFE into others who need it, represent and draw out beauty they've seen and stumbled upon in life and nature (helloooo instagram!) and actually do a fairly excellent job at really loving others (seemingly well, all the time!) I know it is definitely NOT...