Waking up to comfort?

Totally freaked out. I stand at the edge of what seems like a never ending drop. In the fog and the haze, I look out past the horizon and hear whispers of something I recognize. "Brave" the wind whistles... its cold now, and although bundled in a sweater and warmth, the wind whips through and over the grasses with a chilling bite. From atop the mountain it seems so far down... as you think of the long way it is to the bottom, which would certainly mean the death of you, the thoughts start to crawl in... Dont forget while you're here, they're there planning without you. . . What are you doing with your life? . . .You stink at being a parent, a thrown together lunch because you forgot to get to the store . . . After so much strategy and efforts planning, what if the merger is a flop? . . . How will we ever have a child? Where is the money going to come from? . . . Mise well be who they want you to be - its easier ...