from comfort to taking flight...

And we find ourselves asking yet again; "is the life I lead the life that longs to live in me?” When we know we’re called to higher, and in a moment of complete surrender we tell Him “I will go wherever you lead — ” I wonder how many of us actually understand what this means? Or if they’re really just foxhole prayers? We cry out for a “fix” and a solution to the season we’re in, because we’re desperate for an answer or direction, but when we don’t receive the ‘revelation’ we hoped for, we just continue forward with our lives just as they are?? I’ve heard the saying “ comfort is the enemy of achievement” in the fitness world a dozen or more times, which thankfully I guess is true; for fitness so you push beyond comfort levels to see achievement. But think back to your personal life and the decisions you’ve made throughout your years. How many times would you say you made decisions based off of how ‘safe’ they were?...