A New Morning Will Come...

Look at it. Just still. So crisp. The crackling of the snow beneath my feet as I take it all in. Captivated by beauty. Every detail. The gorgeous blues & the white peaks. The green tips of the trees; the water almost frozen too. And then there's the shadows: the dark parts. Jagged edges of rock define the mountainsides & bring more attention to the peaks! How many times in life though, we wrestle with the shadows & wish them away?! We long for things to be a breeze; when much like this picture, if there wasn't any storms there wouldn't be any beauty. The sights that cause us to stop and pay attention would be dull. If it were grey all the time we wouldn't get to appreciate the beauty produced by the storms. Much like these mountains; had they not endured a storm, we wouldn't get to experience the snow and the delight it is either! The challenging part of life comes when you're in the thick of your storm, and you can't seem to grab hold...