Love Never Fails - Happy Valentines

It's known as the "love passage" but there's some profound points of 1st Corinthians to recall & remember... love is not proud, self-seeking or easily angered; it keeps NO records of wrongs, LOVE does not delight in evil!! It ALWAYS protects, ALWAYS trusts, ALWAYS hopes and ALWAYS perseveres--- love truly conquers all and ultimately love NEVER FAILS! .... Yes some of the words are left out (abov e in the passage) but bottom line; LOVE is the greatest evidence we're connected to the heart of Jesus; and even if we can do great things, when we don't live and operate in "loving" others then it's pointless.... Take a moment to slow down. Just think: there are people around the globe so void of love or feeling loved that it's crushing! Victims of abuse and sex-trafficking, people of the slums, the family member ex-communicated because of their "issues," the heartless man or woman was once a victim too... Perhaps if we ...