UNbroken: How to not let your past define you
There was a quote I stumbled across in the feed of instagram. Not just the quote hit me, but the image was of a girl in the midst of a run. You could tell she was on the move somewhere. In a strange sort of way, you were drawn into the picture as you wanted to know where she was headed... She was clearly headed somewhere. . . The quote read: UNBROKEN: She does not let her past define her Now, I wouldn't necessarily let my mind wonder off into the depths of analyzing where I am going by just the image but this time it got me thinking based off the quote with the word UNBROKEN. I started thinking more about life and where I was in terms of letting the past define me and the places of brokenness from my past that were still impacting me or not. Spring has settled in but if you take a moment to think about the way people make resolutions each year after year, what is it they have in common? Typically, its something...