What you need to do to LIVE free of the negative self talk

Now, almost 4 years free of living under the control of what I consumed, within the last few years I've come to understand my beauty & character, even WHO I am in a whole different light!
I choose to eat to fuel my body for my workouts now, instead of scavenge off of rabbit food to barely make it through the day! I've taken hold of incredible promises found in God's word; and believe it or not; I have been set free!! I don't say this to preach by any means. I never expected others to live up to the standards I ever placed on myself looks wise, but in the last couple years I've come to understand a God who loves me and thinks I'm great! And as much as I can continue to help encourage people to work towards the BEST version of themselves through working out & eating right; simply said no matter the size or the look, YOU ARE ENOUGH! Truth be told; hurting people hurt people. How many people do we know that actually become ugly to us because their hearts are outright mean?!
My job is not to judge others based off their looks
My job is not to judge others based off their looks, and I sure as heck wouldn't want people to judge my worth by something I've worked so hard to overcome. Today it's a bit easier to focus on loving others, finding value in people, learning to live a little lighter and not have such crazy expectations over myself!! Now if the benefit of eating well & taking care of yourself is a hot bod; then awesome!
What steps do you need to take today to make ammends with yourself and the expectations you set?
1) Try forgiving yourself. Actually give yourself grace to not be perfect. (Do you see that you TOO are valuable?;) Maybe even try writing on the mirror you get ready in to affirm positive affirmations...

2) Remind yourself; your perfect size or the 'perfect look' to you does not matter; you still have WORTH!
3) Remember people love you for YOU! This is whether you are a size 12 or 8, a 4 or 0. Whether you have hair or not. Have the corner office or dont. Make partner or perhaps you take a bit longer to figure it out.
You have value, you are loved, He sees you, God loves you, he has good plans for you and it's not to harm you! He has a hope and a future in store for YOU.... Now all we gotta do is stop with that negative self talk - it's crap & the devil is a LIAR! :-P
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