Walking on Water.... and soaked! (chapter)
Falling into bed after a long day, as I buried my face in my pillows my thoughts race ahead of me: "Oh to be leaping into bed for excitement of the days to come!" How I longed for a new night like this. What seemed to be on repeat the last handful of days, who am I kidding, WEEKS; was the exhaustion of striving and not knowing what to do. Most days are't too difficult to get through. Grab my coffee, jump in the car and off to the studio to teach some classes with the music up and sun shining! A dozen thoughts race through my head as I drive to work: "What's on my list to get at Trader Joe's again?" "Was today or was tomorrow Tiffany's birthday? Or was YESTERDAY Tiff's Birthday?!? Oh shoooot.... better text her at the next light." "Hmmm, I wonder who's going to be in my first class?" "Did my sister get my call from yesterday?" "Ooooh, I wonder If I have time to go to Starbucks between classes!...