He never, never quits
Some of you may need to hear this right now.
Your story matters.
You are seen.
Whether you are 21 and just finishing college and haven't a clue what you're going to do with your life, 27 or 33 still wondering why haven't things worked out the way you wanted them too, or even late thirties or forties and you find yourself married with kids and still asking questions of uncertainty and why!
I am blessed to know some incredible women and get to do life with them near and far. I know authors and doctors, fitness instructors and business owners. Directors of their company that just so happened to evolve into their position over time, PR executives that work with Hollywood celebrities and overnight sensations, medical sales reps, account executives, even those transitioning to full-time mommyhood. I know girls that are single and have their life ahead of them, or single way too long(if you asked them), girls that are married, with kids under 6 and kids that are grown and starting their own families. The funny thing in common I can tell you is that EACH of them have experienced seasons in their lives where they felt forgotten, misunderstood, mislead, and abandoned. I can tell you, even the ones that are happy in their callings vocationally or callings as a mom, each one has laid awake at night before asking God "a thousand why's?" and wondering questions they could not answer. And all too often; lots of hearts have been broken with feeling perhaps they missed it or they're not doing good enough.
I am here to tell you I relate. And so do they -
I know what its like to graduate college and hope I'd get to walk into my dream job and couldn't find a job that paid enough to survive which seemed like a catch 22. I needed a job to get experience, but I needed experience to get a job.
No one in my college classes that visited from the industry I wanted to jump into ever told us the reality about that "post college funk" of not finding the right work the day you step off the stage from graduation into the real adult world.
I know what its like to live a life chasing a dream for 10+ years to get glimpses of it coming to reality, then to see it fly away as if it was a butterfly passing me by ever so lightly and then landing on the shoulders of another professional - someone more qualified, or even someone who had a better/cheaper rate of pay.
I know what its like to not feel like you're doing good enough with your family. Paying enough attention to the ones you love, or being too tired to really invest in anything creatively for the kids so you consult the remote control to allow the TV to step in for entertainment. (some days its ok)
I know Mom's that want to lock themselves in their bathrooms for 5minutes of alone time, and girlfriends who would love to get ready to go out, even if it was just 1hour of coffee time with a loved one because they are so lonely they long to find companions.
I know what its like to wonder if I'll ever get married, or if perhaps its too late - if there really is a perfect fit out there, and if God really cares about designing someone to intricately fit who I am. Or if He's tried to show us what his perfect fit could be and we just messed it up, or couldn't see.
I know what its like to want to change the situation I'm in, but scared to speak up. I know what its like to speak up and have everything crumble. I know what its like to take a leap and experience failure. But I ALSO know what its like to leap and the net appear!
Enduring hardship, a broken heart, financial crisis, a crushed spirit for lack of knowing if God sees you and even cares about the trials you are facing is something I know all too well. . .
AND YET. . .
because of the way Hosea pursued Gomer, the stories that were told about Sarah or the Shunammite woman being blessed with a child, Joseph being chosen to lead a palace, even David being chosen to lead a kingdom and being sent back to 'herd his sheep' I am encouraged.
Its in the Psalms where we can find David's journal/prayer to the Lord filled with overwhelming cries or petitions, but also note his praises; and we get to read how God heard and rescued him too.
Its stories like these recorded in the word of God thousands of years ago that seem to give so much hope and life today! And yet, we can also see the bigger picture of these stories and how God totally redeemed struggles and trials and delays or losses time and time again. Which can be encouraging to us and give us hope for our own stories, but I also would be lying if I told you there have been times I've still doubted. I've still questioned. I've still wondered in desperation for a redemption to my story.
The good news? I know that I know that I know Jesus' unfathomable mercy and undeserved grace is what made me alive and what instilled hope for his redemption not just in my life but in lives surrounding mine and for mankind. It is by his love we are set free and I've tasted and experienced the freedom and healing he truly brings in more places than I can recall. Knowing in John 15:16 it says; "You did not choose me, but I chose you" we can be encouraged.
And so my sweet one, I cannot claim to know the details of your journey, how your story will develop or how it will end in this chapter. But I can tell you, your story matters!
If you know Jesus and know he is the way, the truth, the life, and by him alone you can walk in total redemption and freedom into eternity then your story ends with a victory! And praise God there will be shouts of praise, singing and dancing! If you're still feeling forgotten, misunderstood, abandoned, or broken then may these words encourage you as you seek him. Know that HE hears you! HE IS at work behind the scenes. And I bet if you I were able to see how divinely he is orchestrating things for your good and for your benefit, then we would be overwhelmed with joy! In the midst of all the questions though, bank on his word. . .
May these provide comfort where you're at and if you need it; use Psalms 86 below as your prayer as you cry out for him to hear you!
hugs to you...
Your story matters.
You are seen.
Whether you are 21 and just finishing college and haven't a clue what you're going to do with your life, 27 or 33 still wondering why haven't things worked out the way you wanted them too, or even late thirties or forties and you find yourself married with kids and still asking questions of uncertainty and why!
I am blessed to know some incredible women and get to do life with them near and far. I know authors and doctors, fitness instructors and business owners. Directors of their company that just so happened to evolve into their position over time, PR executives that work with Hollywood celebrities and overnight sensations, medical sales reps, account executives, even those transitioning to full-time mommyhood. I know girls that are single and have their life ahead of them, or single way too long(if you asked them), girls that are married, with kids under 6 and kids that are grown and starting their own families. The funny thing in common I can tell you is that EACH of them have experienced seasons in their lives where they felt forgotten, misunderstood, mislead, and abandoned. I can tell you, even the ones that are happy in their callings vocationally or callings as a mom, each one has laid awake at night before asking God "a thousand why's?" and wondering questions they could not answer. And all too often; lots of hearts have been broken with feeling perhaps they missed it or they're not doing good enough.
I am here to tell you I relate. And so do they -
I know what its like to graduate college and hope I'd get to walk into my dream job and couldn't find a job that paid enough to survive which seemed like a catch 22. I needed a job to get experience, but I needed experience to get a job.

I know what its like to live a life chasing a dream for 10+ years to get glimpses of it coming to reality, then to see it fly away as if it was a butterfly passing me by ever so lightly and then landing on the shoulders of another professional - someone more qualified, or even someone who had a better/cheaper rate of pay.
I know what its like to not feel like you're doing good enough with your family. Paying enough attention to the ones you love, or being too tired to really invest in anything creatively for the kids so you consult the remote control to allow the TV to step in for entertainment. (some days its ok)
I know Mom's that want to lock themselves in their bathrooms for 5minutes of alone time, and girlfriends who would love to get ready to go out, even if it was just 1hour of coffee time with a loved one because they are so lonely they long to find companions.
I know what its like to wonder if I'll ever get married, or if perhaps its too late - if there really is a perfect fit out there, and if God really cares about designing someone to intricately fit who I am. Or if He's tried to show us what his perfect fit could be and we just messed it up, or couldn't see.
I know what its like to want to change the situation I'm in, but scared to speak up. I know what its like to speak up and have everything crumble. I know what its like to take a leap and experience failure. But I ALSO know what its like to leap and the net appear!
Enduring hardship, a broken heart, financial crisis, a crushed spirit for lack of knowing if God sees you and even cares about the trials you are facing is something I know all too well. . .
AND YET. . .
because of the way Hosea pursued Gomer, the stories that were told about Sarah or the Shunammite woman being blessed with a child, Joseph being chosen to lead a palace, even David being chosen to lead a kingdom and being sent back to 'herd his sheep' I am encouraged.
Its in the Psalms where we can find David's journal/prayer to the Lord filled with overwhelming cries or petitions, but also note his praises; and we get to read how God heard and rescued him too.
Its stories like these recorded in the word of God thousands of years ago that seem to give so much hope and life today! And yet, we can also see the bigger picture of these stories and how God totally redeemed struggles and trials and delays or losses time and time again. Which can be encouraging to us and give us hope for our own stories, but I also would be lying if I told you there have been times I've still doubted. I've still questioned. I've still wondered in desperation for a redemption to my story.
The good news? I know that I know that I know Jesus' unfathomable mercy and undeserved grace is what made me alive and what instilled hope for his redemption not just in my life but in lives surrounding mine and for mankind. It is by his love we are set free and I've tasted and experienced the freedom and healing he truly brings in more places than I can recall. Knowing in John 15:16 it says; "You did not choose me, but I chose you" we can be encouraged.
And so my sweet one, I cannot claim to know the details of your journey, how your story will develop or how it will end in this chapter. But I can tell you, your story matters!

May these provide comfort where you're at and if you need it; use Psalms 86 below as your prayer as you cry out for him to hear you!
hugs to you...
Be strong and courageous! Do not fear or tremble before them, for the Lord your God is the one who is going with you. He will not fail you or abandon you! Deuteronomy 31:6
But if anyone is deficient in wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without reprimand, and it will be given to him - James 1:5
A David Psalm - Psalm 86
Bend an ear, God; answer me. I’m one miserable wretch! Keep me safe—haven’t I lived a good life? Help your servant—I’m depending on you! You’re my God; have mercy on me.I count on you from morning to night. Give your servant a happy life; I put myself in your hands! You’re well-known as good and forgiving, bighearted to all who ask for help. Pay attention, God, to my prayer; bend down and listen to my cry for help. Every time I’m in trouble I call on you, confident that you’ll answer.
There’s no one quite like you among the gods, O Lord, and nothing to compare with your works. All the nations you made are on their way, ready to give honor to you, O Lord, Ready to put your beauty on display, parading your greatness, And the great things you do— God, you’re the one, there’s no one but you!
Train me, God, to walk straight; then I’ll follow your true path. Put me together, one heart and mind; then, undivided, I’ll worship in joyful fear. From the bottom of my heart I thank you, dear Lord; I’ve never kept secret what you’re up to. You’ve always been great toward me—what love!You snatched me from the brink of disaster! God, these bullies have reared their heads! A gang of thugs is after me— and they don’t care a thing about you. But you, O God, are both tender and kind, not easily angered, immense in love, and you never, never quit.
So look me in the eye and show kindness, give your servant the strength to go on, save your dear, dear child! Make a show of how much you love me so the bullies who hate me will stand there slack-jawed, As you, God, gently and powerfully put me back on my feet.
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