Still writing your story
Let's be real for a minute; there's many times I've been tempted to throw out the idea of being made "for a reason" or having a specific calling just because the journey has gotten almost too hard. I've often times asked God if he really told me things, if the things I've felt called to pursue was from him, or if waiting on Him was really what he wanted me to do!! God knows we play our fair share of thinking in circles and trying to figure out our own way to solve a situation; or make something happen on our own time, right?! But what's funny; is how it never works the way we want it to when it's on our own dime or our own efforts - without His backing that is.
I'm a firm believer in "working like it depends on us then praying like it depends on Him" & feel this is our responsibility to be excellent in everything we do, but then trust that His favor will fall on us in the process too. In a recent season everything I seemed to be praying about and talking to God over; I admit there were times I felt like I was wishing on a star, and in reality I didn't even know if my prayers would be answered because they were not "filled with faith" & often times I've questioned what desires he's put on my heart and/or if I'm even on the right track.
Especially when we hear whispers of doubts telling us "you're not enough" or "you can't do that, leave it to someone that CAN"
Well GOOD NEWS that even faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains! And we can trust God at His word! When He speaks words of delivery, courage or redemption we can believe for It!
The hardest challenge we will have is to trust in the promises HE gives us will come to fruition! But in the waiting & pressing in is where our faith is built, our character refined, our joy complete.
Don't let go of your faith because of what you have yet to see my friend; God is still writing your story. HE has a PURPOSE. HE IS FOR YOU. His plans are GOOD & EVERY. THING. the enemy meant to use to harm you; God WILL USE for YOUR GOOD! Holding onto promises of His word & waiting for them to come to their fullness?? Hold on; don't give up hope. Hold unswervingly to the HOPE we profess, for HE who PROMISED IS FAITHFUL ❤

Especially when we hear whispers of doubts telling us "you're not enough" or "you can't do that, leave it to someone that CAN"
Well GOOD NEWS that even faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains! And we can trust God at His word! When He speaks words of delivery, courage or redemption we can believe for It!
The hardest challenge we will have is to trust in the promises HE gives us will come to fruition! But in the waiting & pressing in is where our faith is built, our character refined, our joy complete.
Don't let go of your faith because of what you have yet to see my friend; God is still writing your story. HE has a PURPOSE. HE IS FOR YOU. His plans are GOOD & EVERY. THING. the enemy meant to use to harm you; God WILL USE for YOUR GOOD! Holding onto promises of His word & waiting for them to come to their fullness?? Hold on; don't give up hope. Hold unswervingly to the HOPE we profess, for HE who PROMISED IS FAITHFUL ❤
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